I love my boots!
Some time back, my blogging inspiration posted a photo of her boots. I can’t link to that blog-post, or the photo, because, for some reason, I’m not able to see her blog. Oh well. But, I have a pair of boots, now, that I love. Here they are: so, why are these my favorite winter…
Hermit crabs…why?
Last August, on our way home from our family holiday at the Heritage and Culture Camp near Harrisonburg, VA, we stopped at a pet store and bought a pair of hermit crabs. It was J who lobbied for them, because he had seen the hermit crab brought in to his after school program on pet-sharing day,…
Little things
Rosh Hashanah begins tomorrow evening, and kicks off about a month of holidays and lots of cooking. No time for writing looks posts, but here’s a short reflection. We have a charging station in our garage for our electric cars. Yesterday, I found it like this: Notice the looped cord? This image makes me happier.…
FaceBook, across the political spectrum
My daughter recently asked me: why do you keep engaging these people on facebook?! I understand the desire for conversation across political sides, but they don’t seem capable of rationality, or reading comprehension (if they’d at least post counter-arguments that were coherent, that’d be something) If you are a “friend” of mine on FaceBook, you’ll…
Ski day
It looks like the snow is finally gone (i hope), so before the memory fades, let me document my day off skiing with the boys. It was a Sunday, and Dad was out of town for the weekend for a business trip. When we first met, he was an avid skier, but we haven’t gone…
Happy Birthday to Me!
Google greeted me today with this: Thanks, Google!
The smell of new linoleum
I walk into the hospital complex where I work through a new entrance, which opened just a few months ago. It’s a lovely entrance, with a security desk. It’s of a grand entrance – a foyer – with a lot of photos of benefactors who funded this new building creating an impressive mural lining a…
‘Competitive Mindfulness’
I’m smiling, as I read this article posted on FaceBook by a friend: Against ‘Competitive Mindfulness’ | Child Mind Institute. I reminds me of my first yoga teacher, who introduced me to Iyengar yoga when I was in college at University of California Santa Cruz (yes, the Banana Slug school, but we didn’t have the…
Root canal – Part 2
I was both dreading and looking forward to today’s visit to my lovely dentist, Dr. G. The adventure started about two weeks ago, with a weekend of pain, followed by relief/torture in his office, as he began the root canal procedure, and relieved the pressure of an infected root. If you missed it, I described…
Root canal, really?
I hate going to the dentist. HATE it! I don’t typically go every six months, like I’m supposed to. I’ve been blessed with strong teeth (thanks mom and dad!) and I do brush regularly (not so great with the flossing) and i’ve been lucky for several decades. Usually the hygienist shakes her head at my…