Category: Miscellaneous

  • Soothing a rumbly tummy

    I’ve been struggling for the past three days with a nasty stomach bug, I’ll spare you the gorey details! Yesterday was the worst, and I’m definitely on the mend. I had to work a full day today, and got home and collapsed into bed, waking up at midnight, feeling hungry. I asked the dear Dad,…

  • Fun in the pool

    When we moved into our current home, the only downside we saw was the presence of a pool. This particularly the case of my dear husband, who investigated the option of filling it in. When he found out that it would cost several thousand dollars to get rid of it, we decided to get comfortable…

  • I’m not a creature of habit

    Maybe that’s a good thing…maybe that makes me more flexible. I have tried.  As a child, I wrote out detailed daily schedules for myself, but I could never live up to them.  As an adult, I’ve come to a sense of acceptance about my inability to maintain habits. I did manage to rise to the…

  • Story of a tooth

    I haven’t broken a single bone in my body, in my whole life, except for my upper right front incisor. And I’ve broken that one three times. The first time I don’t actually remember, although I remember having a direct memory at seem time, but now it just feels like hearsay. It was on one…

  • “Active Shooter Training”

    Clackamas Town Center Shooting: Gunfire Erupts At Portland Mall My sister lives in Portland, and, when I got home tonight, the first thing I saw on my Facebook News Feed was my cousin in Alburquerque had posted “Portland friends and family I hope none of you went near that mall today.”  And I thought, what…

  • The Magic Kingdom, and beyond…

    It’s 45 minutes before midnight, and I wish I could cook some of the meal we will enjoy tomorrow, but with my MIL sleeping on the sofa in the living room, which is really just the other end of the first floor that the kitchen is in, that’s not a go. So, I’m posting briefly,…

  • Last day of the election season It’ll all be over tomorrow – I hope! The US will finally go to the polls, and sometime tomorrow night, we will finally know whether Barack Obama will stay in office for four more years, or we’ll have Mitt Romney in the White House, dismantling the health care reform that so resembles what he…

  • Aaaaahhhh – feels so good!

    I grew up swimming. It’s my favorite physical activity. I feel at home in the water. I took swim lessons every summer, in California, from the time I was about 6 years old. I tried out synchronized swimming (I still like to do that thing where you paddle your hands under the water at your…

  • Weekend project

    A challenge to blogging daily for a month is Friday and Saturday, since from 18 minutes before sunset on Friday until after sunset on Saturday we don’t write or use technology. How did you do it, Father Goof??? So I’m cheating a bit, with an image of the pile of clothes that need to be…

  • Triumph over faulty hardware

    Yes, that’s a picture of our kitchen garbage. We remodeled our entire home about a decade ago, and the kitchen was a complete redo. We installed all new cabinets, and have loved them, but the kitchen garbage cabinet, which glided smoothly for about two years, and then something went awry, and it wouldn’t slide out…