Category: Parenting

  • Ready for boarding!

    We’re at National Airport, remarkably an hour before our flight, and the boys are very excited about being here. They’re gazing out the window at the planes on the runway.

  • Can’t wait to jump in the pool

    This spring I’ve been behind with everything. It’s very frustrating, but especially with two areas of life/activity that are dependent on the weather – gardening and our swimming pool. It suddenly got hot! 90 degrees today, and nothing would feel better at the end of a day like this than to jump in the cool…

  • Oops!

    Passover got in the way of a lot of life this year. I wasn’t ready for it (not that I ever am, but this year I was particularly unready). My discomfiture was compounded by a lot of things going on at work, and resulted in just my bring completely overwhelmed. No time for reflection, despite…

  • Getting silly while doing homework

    So, not even wanting to go to the thoughts that I have about why my kindergartener is being assigned regular weekly homework… (another time for that rant!) It was Tuesday night, and the homework is always due on Thursday.  We’d completed about half of it on Sunday and Monday (we almost never get started before…

  • Harry Belafonte

    I haven’t posted in awhile, but have had all kinds of thoughts brewing in my head…looking back at my last post, Mishpacha & Me, I am thinking more and more of the connections that I have to Harry Belafonte, a wonderful singer, whose music was a soundtrack to a lot of my happiest childhood moments.…

  • Mishpacha & Me

    I spent an hour today at J’s preschool, attending their annual program, “Mishpacha & Me”. Mishpacha means family in Hebrew, and my first connection to the word was from a Harry Belafonte album, “Belafonte at Carnegie Hall”, when he includes the word in the song “Mama Looka Boo Boo Day” (and he does a lovely…

  • Away from boys, #3

    I flew to London for a 4-day weekend (thanks to frequent flyer miles!). I’m on the first leg of my return, writing this post. As always, we prepped the boys starting a couple of days ahead. This trip would be the longest I’ve been away – each trip has incrementally been slightly longer. I left…

  • Being the Birthday Boy!

    We threw a party for J’s 4th birthday this past Sunday, and it brought out some interesting dynamics in his and his brother’s relationship. We arrived home with the boys at the end of January two years ago, and J’s birthday (according to his birth certificate, which was created months before we adopted him, based…

  • Terrible Twos? Or Therrible Threes?

    My friend Robin posted about her experience with “terrible” vs “terrific” twos encounter. You should really go to her blog and read her description, as her voice is vivid in her writing, and I could never do her story justice! Suffice it to say, she expressed frustration at the insensitivity of some folks to the…

  • I’m an artist!

    No – the title wouldn’t be my words…they’re S’s.  And they’re true. He has been “drawn” to drawing (sorry, couldn’t resist) since we first met him in Addis Ababa…we had brought drawing pads and crayons with us, thinking they might amuse our new boys on the flight back, and S sat down immediately, and drew…