Category: Parenting

  • First grade jitters

    S is almost never nervous about anything. He charges at life full steam, and seemingly without any anxiety. Oh, except when he fails, or doesn’t get something right the first time. This summer he had a list of “sight words” to conquer before first grade started. He’s got almost all of them, a few still…

  • Sick day #2 (sick kid #2)

    Well, it’s always a bad sign when S is quiet. And it’s very rare. I probably shouldn’t have said to dad yesterday that S never gets sick. And, as with just about everything else, S is exactly opposite to J. Rather than fever, S is hypothermic (measured twice, his highest oral temp was 93.6). S…

  • Sick days

    Maybe J’s good behavior yesterday was just a harbinger of the fever that he developed last night, along with a “headuck”. Thank goodness for ibuprofen!

  • Fruitarians

    Sunday mornings…laid back, slow. The boys watch tv on Sunday mornings. They almost never watch during the week, but as soon as the sun goes down Saturday night, movie night starts, and the viewing continues for a couple of hours on Sunday. And breakfast is relaxed – this morning their choice was a banana each,…

  • You were right, Mommy

    The words we all hope to hear, someday, right? And they were pronounced with great sincerity by our 3-year-old yesterday! It was a doozy of a day, with grumpiness and lots of crying and crabbiness from the very start. We were expecting a friend (big brother S’s age) over to play in the pool, and…

  • Escape to Baltimore

    We escaped our unpowered, un-air-conditioned home for a day in baltimore’s inner harbor. Why Baltimore? The main reason was that I had to make hospital rounds and see my patients. So, dad took the boys and walked from the hospital parking garage to the inner harbor, while I did my work. Once I’d finished, I…

  • Power outage

    We’re at the 84 hours mark without power since Friday night’s violent thunderstorm, now given the elegant term derecho by the weather people. Life contracts – we spent hours over the weekend in the clear water of our non-circulating swimming pool, using the power of our arms and legs to circulate the water and prevent…

  • Random connections and memories of a 3-yr-old

    We got pizza tonight up in Olney after picking up S from our kind friend who brought him home from the bus. On the way home from a satisfying, but slightly loud dinner, I stopped for gas, and J piped up “We went to the moon doctor when I was sick!” I thought “Huh?”, and…

  • Fun start of camp

    S started camp today – check out this smile!! I think he’s going to have a fun summer.

  • I’m itchy now!

    I was really hoping that after two exhausting weekends out of town, and a busy week in between last week, that today we could finally settle back into the normal routines. That hope was shattered when I looked down at J’s scalp on returning home, and discovered that he had a nice infestation of head…