Time zone blues

It is now 6:34 am, and I am awake and dressed.

Last night, I set my phone alarm for 6:45am.  It went off, and I hit the snooze button a couple of times before rising and at 7.  So, how can it be 6:34, now?

Because apparently, England jumped forward to DST during the night, and my phone’s date and time settings are set to London as the time zone, but Sierra Leone doesn’t observe DST.  that worked out nicely when the US jumped forward two weeks ago, and my family was only 4 hours different from me, but it sure didn’t work well this morning.  Except that I got a jumpstart on the day today.

We’re headed to the beach, to escape the country-wide lockdown that has held us hostage in our guesthouses since Friday morning.  Some of my colleagues have been able to get out and visit our sites to support them, but I have been stuck here wrestling with excel tables, so I’m really looking for to a change of scene.

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