Tag: sabbath

  • Tot Shabbat

    Our Friday nights and Saturdays follow a rhythm that varies rarely. Most Friday nights we try to be home before sunset (an almost impossible challenge for us in winter, but achievable in the summer months). We have a nice meal together, in our dining room rather than our kitchen table. The meal is structured with…

  • Wow! Quiet day…

    The dear husband was up last night when S woke up with a fever of 102.7 F. Ibuprofen was administered, and S slept. We knew that we weren’t going to synagogue today as a family. This morning, the program at our synagogue/shul included “Boker Ohr” – Morning Light – a special, alternative service led by…

  • Missing Shabbat

    It’s Saturday, which means its Shabbat (the Hebrew word meaning “sabbath”), and I’m using a computer. My husband and I started becoming more “Shabbat observant” a few years ago. It had been a slow evolution from originally just lighting candles on Friday night, reciting “Baruch ata HaShem, Elokeinu melech haolam, borei p’ri hagafen” (Blessed are…