I’ve been counting the Omer. Maybe you are, also. I have had mixed success, over the years, at getting through all 49 days. Many years, I have managed to count the first day (which is written into the Seder for the second night of Passover), and that was it. Counted one night, and then failed…
Peeking through the door
If you’re “friends” with me on goodreads, you’ll know that I’m tearing through a book that I learned about through the podcast “On Being”. The book is Joy Ladin’s “Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders”. To start with the podcast, which aired June 20, and the program was titled “Gender and…
Mishpacha & Me
I spent an hour today at J’s preschool, attending their annual program, “Mishpacha & Me”. Mishpacha means family in Hebrew, and my first connection to the word was from a Harry Belafonte album, “Belafonte at Carnegie Hall”, when he includes the word in the song “Mama Looka Boo Boo Day” (and he does a lovely…
A Jewish Friend in Kenya
Last week, I was sent on a very brief trip to Nairobi, Kenya, to meet with a variety of health professionals to discuss reviewing, revising, and updating the HIV-specific curriculum for educating health care providers at all levels of health-care facilities throughout Kenya. As it happened, just a couple of weeks before, I had been…