Parashat Tazria – Modern Pandemics and Exclusion from community
I was asked to give a D’var Torah (sermon) at Tikvat Israel this morning, during the month that our rabbi is away in Israel, volunteering in aid of that country in this time of war and struggle. You can read Rabbi Marc Israel’s reflections on his trip here. I don’t usually write out speeches ahead…
Kindergarten, interrupted
Well, we were going along so well, with Days One and Two successfully completed, and no major meltdowns. We were enjoying a lovely evening at home yesterday, with both boys playing so nicely together, and painting lovely pictures. We were getting dinner started, and J climbed into my lap and said, “My head hurts.” I…
Cough, cough, cough…
J has been coughing. Again. While his big brother tends to stay healthy through all weather, and all exposures, J seems prone to catch every bug, and develop every respiratory complication possible. He caught a cold last week, and now he’s left with a residual cough. Because of his reactive airways, we are the proud…
Viral visitors
Last week, 3-yr-old J was miserable for 48hrs with a sore throat, cough, and ear pain. We had two sleepless nights with him, and then he was better. Now, about a full week later, both I and 5-yr-old S have sore throats and ear pain, and I have fatigue and muscle aches. Sigh…the joys of…