Soothing a rumbly tummy

I’ve been struggling for the past three days with a nasty stomach bug, I’ll spare you the gorey details!

Yesterday was the worst, and I’m definitely on the mend. I had to work a full day today, and got home and collapsed into bed, waking up at midnight, feeling hungry. I asked the dear Dad, who’s been heroically handling all the home stuff for these past three days, if we have any chicken soup. Since we didn’t, I remembered that we do have my store of Marmite – one of my favorite childhood foods (which no one else seems to like, which is fine with me).

So, I melted a spoonful of it in a cup of hot water, and sipped my Marmite broth gratefully. The lovely salt, and the feeling of nourishment! (But both Dad and S, who had gotten up to have a story read to him, were gagging from the smell!)


One response to “Soothing a rumbly tummy”

  1. […] blogging, because the software can identify related posts better than I could possibly remember). Here it is, and it shows that I’ve treifed up at least one of my […]

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