Category: School

  • Reunion weekend

    I’ve just checked in at the courtyard of Ross Hall, at 23rd and Eye Streets in downtown Wash DC, where I showed up 24 years ago to start my medical career.  I’m back for my 20th year reunion. Sadly, I had to work in the hospital up in Baltimore this morning, and one thing after…

  • Kindergarten, interrupted

    Well, we were going along so well, with Days One and Two successfully completed, and no major meltdowns. We were enjoying a lovely evening at home yesterday, with both boys playing so nicely together, and painting lovely pictures. We were getting dinner started, and J climbed into my lap and said, “My head hurts.” I…

  • First day of school – the afternoon

    So getting on the bus in the morning went surprisingly well, and i had promised J that I would pick him up early from day care. I approached the multipurpose room with some trepidation, half expecting an exhausted and upset little boy. To my delight, all the kids were seated together at the far end…

  • Spirit Week

    This week at S’s school is spirit week. Every day the kids are supposed to wear specific clothes, like: pajama day, wear a certain color and Tuesday was fancy clothes day. I loathed spirit week when I was growing up – and i don’t remember having such activities in elementary school. The most we had…

  • Dropping Off vs Picking Up

    “Who’s dropping me off today?”, J asks. “I’m dropping you off, and Daddy will pick you up.” I reply. “So, will you see me in soccer after school?”, he asks. “I wish I could see you doing soccer, but I’m dropping you off, not picking you up. That means that I’m taking you to school…

  • Alphabetizing

    S has “Wall Words” that he has to learn. He’s in the Giraffe word group in his class. The other two groups are the Elephants and the Pandas. He’s starting to figure out how reading and spelling work, but it’s been harder for him than most other things that he tries to do; and he…

  • What blessing do you say, Mommy?

    That was the question posed to me this morning by J, our new Pre-K student at the Broadman-Kaplan Early Childhood Center. It was asked in the context of my grabbing my lunch bag to take out to the car, as I was leaving for work. So, I asked him, what blessing do you mean? And…

  • Crafts to kick off the school year

    A friend, and prolific blogger, posted a challenge a couple of days ago to share a beginning of school year craft project tradition.  The prize for submitting ideas is a craft kit, which I am pretty sure my boys would dismiss as too “girly” (although, S is very into paint and color, and glitter would…