Category: Religion

  • Morning minyan

    For several years, I was a regular weekday minyan participant. What’s a minyan, you may be asking? Per Wikipedia (as of today), the definition of minyan: (Hebrew: מִנְיָן lit. noun count, number; pl. מִניָנִים minyanim) in Judaism refers to the quorum of ten Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. According to many non-Orthodox streams…

  • Resonating with the words of Heschel…

    OK, first order of business, my mother is doing better! My sister is doing a marvelous job of supporting her, as always, and she’s now safely back in the hospital, and no longer expressing active suicidal thoughts. And that’s a huge relief. It could easily be different tomorrow, but, one day at a time, right?…

  • Our son’s gift to us

    It’s the fourth night of Hanukkah. S has been fretting about making us a present, and tonight, he was determined. I got home late, after a long afternoon at clinic, and trying to reduce the growing pile of lab results and correspondence that has been accumulating in my mailbox. But, when I arrived home. I…

  • Share – hanukkah cocktails Recipe Slideshow at

    Share – hanukkah cocktails Recipe Slideshow at I was curious, and I clicked through each of the 18 cocktails in this slide show.  Can anyone tell me what is particularly “Hanukkah” about any of these cocktails??  I’m not a cocktail-drinker – too much trouble, and I don’t have all the paraphernalia, but I don’t…

  • 29/30 = 97% … not perfection

    I’m bummed. Yes, I am a perfectionist. No, I didn’t actually expect to be able to blog 30 days straight. But, having managed 29 days, I really thought I had it in the bag, and then Friday, Nov 30, the last day of NaBloPoMo for November 2012, was a crazy day, and I just couldn’t…

  • Our Shabbat-free Shabbat (cont’d)

    We took a farewell walk around Lake Berkley today. It was a stunningly beautiful day – sunny, with a light breeze. We got to the lake, and spied a quartet of ducks, who clearly expected that we might have some bread crumbs to give them. And, then we spotted a floating empty milk jug at…

  • Widening circles

    [soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Quiet friend who has come so far, feel how your breathing makes more space around you. Let this darkness be a bell tower and you the bell. As you ring, what batters you becomes your strength. Move back and forth into the change. What is it like, such…

  • Kid-centered shabbat

    This week has been a little crazy, as I’ve been covering for a colleague, and taking care of an inpatient team at the hospital.  Usually, this would be a two-week  or a four-week rotation for me, but because I’m just covering until the next attending physician takes over, it’s only 9 days – last sunday…

  • TGIF – Shabbat Shalom

    Sunset viewed through a window in a stairwell in the hospital where I work. Shabbat shalom. (Explanations coming tomorrow)

  • Rehearsal night

    Tonight was my choir rehearsal night. It’s one of my two regular weekly activities that serve to restore my soul. The other is my voice lesson, so they’re both about singing. (That’s tomorrow). But today’s rehearsal was a little complicated. Dad left early this morning (really early!) to spend the day with our niece in…