Category: Family & Friends

  • Day 3-4

    Today was our day to travel down south and visit with the birth family of our boys – we are going to keep our impressions of this visit offline, so that we can discuss the experience with the boys when they’re ready. Our visit was joined with that of another family whose birth family was…

  • Day 2

    This morning, Janaki started out with Jelly-Belly, and Ron walked over to the big kids compound with another adoptive dad in our group of 7 families, to bring Silly Sal back to play with us and his brother at the guest house. We’d been told that Silly Sal and his brother were very close and…

  • Day 1

    Our flights in were reasonably smooth and uneventful. We ended up arriving 45 minutes ahead of schedule, which meant that our driver was not yet there. We waited and waited, getting mildly anxious about whether we would have a ride to the guest house, or whether we needed to make alternate arrangements. Ron’s blackberry, which…

  • Daughter connecting with birthplace

    My daughter, Shanthi, was born in New York City, and I never dreamed that she would have any direct connection with England, where I was born, except to vacation there and visit family.  But, she never ceases to surprise me – from birth onwards!! A couple of years ago, she found out that she was…

  • Where were you born?

    The original premise of this blog was to get myself and my readers thinking outside boundaries, both geographical and cultural. In addition, just a couple of weeks ago, my daughter took advantage of the fact that I have British citizenship, and she was sworn in as a subject of the United Kingdom. Her action prompted…

  • Trip to Chicago

    We landed in Chicago this morning, and we’ve been walking all day – what lovely weather, especially after just leaving the already sweltering DC clime.One thing I’ve learned so far – nothing beats visiting your spouse’s childhood home to clarify some of the “issues” that have mystified you for years!! No, I won’t share what…