Category: kids

  • The worst headache…

    I was driving to work, later than usual due to some clinginess on J’s part. I was heading north on I-95, listening to the non-stop coverage of the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting last week, when my phone rang. The display on my car showed a number I didn’t recognize. I hit the “Answer” button.…

  • Our son’s gift to us

    It’s the fourth night of Hanukkah. S has been fretting about making us a present, and tonight, he was determined. I got home late, after a long afternoon at clinic, and trying to reduce the growing pile of lab results and correspondence that has been accumulating in my mailbox. But, when I arrived home. I…

  • Before the memories fade…

    We had such a great time at Disney World – it was only two weeks ago, but I am already forgetting the details, and I really want to record some impressions for our next trip. Yes, R and I were immediately talking about our next visit on our homeward bound drive (which was miserable, btw…

  • Evolving silliness

    This morning, J wanted to wear his Lion King costume to school, adorned with his Lil Dragon karate belt, and swim goggles: And, then, of course, S needed to get in on the act, with a variation on how to wear the goggles: And, then he turned around, and turned the goggles around, and posed…