Category: blogging

  • “How to Find Hope When You Have None”

    “How to Find Hope When You Have None” @ToddBrison This posting came through my inbox, and it really hit home for me.  Last week was rough for me, and the weekend was painful on a few different levels, and i recognized that I was contributing to the negative drift by succumbing to a sense…

  • Partners In Health Clinician Admitted for Ebola Treatment | Partners In Health

    Partners In Health Clinician Admitted for Ebola Treatment | Partners In Health. Please rest assured that this clinician is NOT me!  Partners In Health is doing everything possible to take care of this individual, and to maintain the safety and well-being of all of us here.  In addition, the media/communications personnel of PIH are obviously…

  • FaceBook, across the political spectrum

    My daughter recently asked me: why do you keep engaging these people on facebook?! I understand the desire for conversation across political sides, but they don’t seem capable of rationality, or reading comprehension (if they’d at least post counter-arguments that were coherent, that’d be something) If you are a “friend” of mine on FaceBook, you’ll…

  • Nobody Said That Then! Masters of Sex, Not of Slang : The New Yorker

    I love reading Hendrik Hertzberg, and hearing his commentaries on The New Yorker comment podcast, and this recent article of his caught my eye: Nobody Said That Then! Masters of Sex, Not of Slang : The New Yorker. And that article led me to the source he sites: Prochronism:Downton Abbey, Season 4 I so enjoyed…

  • I’m not a creature of habit

    Maybe that’s a good thing…maybe that makes me more flexible. I have tried.  As a child, I wrote out detailed daily schedules for myself, but I could never live up to them.  As an adult, I’ve come to a sense of acceptance about my inability to maintain habits. I did manage to rise to the…

  • Sister-strife

    I have one sister.  Only one sister. She was born when I was six years old, and, unlike my friends now, who encourage their first-born children to hold their newborn siblings within hours or days of her birth, my first memory of my sister was that I was not allowed to touch her, let alone…

  • Providing an anchor, an invisible rope

    “…my eye beams a rope around her, because I will jump in—splash!—and rescue her the moment she’s in difficulty.  And then she’s twelve years old, self-conscious in a modest navy sports swimsuit, …[but] she’s still the little girl in the pink-and-orange flowery swimming costume to me, and I still have my invisible rope around her…

  • Checking out Bloglovin

    The Internet keeps evolving, and I’ve been a bit baffled by the options to replace Google Reader, which is being out to pasture. A friend recommended Bloglovin, and so I’m trying it out. I’ve also been checking out Feedly and Feedler. Have you found a reader you recommend? I invite you to follow me on…

  • Happy New Year!

    2012 will soon be in the past, and, in a few hours, we launch into 2013! Image from And, by all accounts, we will fall off the fiscal cliff! Image from So, since we can’t do anything about the fiscal cliff, or about the clock ticking away inexorably toward midnight, we packed the…

  • The Anarchist Soccer Mom: Thinking the Unthinkable

    The Anarchist Soccer Mom: Thinking the Unthinkable. I am sharing this story because I am Adam Lanza’s mother. I am Dylan Klebold’s and Eric Harris’s mother. I am Jason Holmes’s mother. I am Jared Loughner’s mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho’s mother. And these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy,…