Tag: Language

  • Nobody Said That Then! Masters of Sex, Not of Slang : The New Yorker

    I love reading Hendrik Hertzberg, and hearing his commentaries on The New Yorker comment podcast, and this recent article of his caught my eye: Nobody Said That Then! Masters of Sex, Not of Slang : The New Yorker. And that article led me to the source he sites: Prochronism:Downton Abbey, Season 4 I so enjoyed…

  • Dropping Off vs Picking Up

    “Who’s dropping me off today?”, J asks. “I’m dropping you off, and Daddy will pick you up.” I reply. “So, will you see me in soccer after school?”, he asks. “I wish I could see you doing soccer, but I’m dropping you off, not picking you up. That means that I’m taking you to school…