Category: Holidays

  • Reflections on Passover

    For Jews the world over, the 8-day celebration of Passover (seven days in Israel – long story, which I won’t go into here…if you’re curious, you can check it out here) was observed last week, and ended at sundown on Tuesday night. When my husband and I first started being more observant, a lifelong process,…

  • Happy New Year!

    2012 will soon be in the past, and, in a few hours, we launch into 2013! Image from And, by all accounts, we will fall off the fiscal cliff! Image from So, since we can’t do anything about the fiscal cliff, or about the clock ticking away inexorably toward midnight, we packed the…

  • Visiting preschool

    I finally made it to my clinic’s annual Christmas party. I’ve missed it all the years I’ve worked there, and I always get grief from my patients who come see me shortly after the New Year for not being there. But, I’d been thinking about how to fit my attendance at this party into my…

  • Our son’s gift to us

    It’s the fourth night of Hanukkah. S has been fretting about making us a present, and tonight, he was determined. I got home late, after a long afternoon at clinic, and trying to reduce the growing pile of lab results and correspondence that has been accumulating in my mailbox. But, when I arrived home. I…

  • Share – hanukkah cocktails Recipe Slideshow at

    Share – hanukkah cocktails Recipe Slideshow at I was curious, and I clicked through each of the 18 cocktails in this slide show.  Can anyone tell me what is particularly “Hanukkah” about any of these cocktails??  I’m not a cocktail-drinker – too much trouble, and I don’t have all the paraphernalia, but I don’t…